INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Fong

                        FEBRUARY 22, 2013

   An act to amend Section  1097   1091.5 
of, and to add Sections 1097.1, 1097.2, 1097.3,  and
 1097.4  , and 1097.5  to, the Government Code,
relating to public officers.


   AB 1090, as amended, Fong. Public officers: conflicts of interest:
   The Political Reform Act of 1974 establishes the Fair Political
Practices Commission as the agency responsible for enforcing the act.
The act authorizes the Commission to issue an opinion or advice to a
person with respect to that person's duties under the act, as
specified. The act authorizes the Commission to seek and impose
administrative and civil penalties against persons who violate the
act, as prescribed.
   Existing law prohibits Members of the Legislature, state, county,
district, judicial district, and city officers or employees from
being financially interested in any contract made by them in their
official capacity, or by any body or board of which they are members.
 Existing law identifies certain remote interests that are not
subject to this prohibition   and other situations in which
an official is not deemed to be financially interested in a contract.
 Existing law makes a willful violation of this prohibition a
   This bill would establish an additional situation in which an
official is not financially interested in a contract as applied to
specified public services contracts entered into by certain special
   This bill would also make a person who violates the prohibition
against being financially interested in a contract, or who causes
another person to violate  or who aids and abets another
person in violating  the prohibition, subject to
administrative and civil fines, as specified. The bill would
authorize the Commission to enforce these violations by bringing an
administrative or civil action against a person who is subject to the
prohibition, as specified, upon written authorization from the
district attorney of the county in which the alleged violation
   This bill would authorize a person who is subject to those
prohibitions to request an opinion or advice from the Commission with
respect to those prohibitions  . The bill would authorize
the Commission to issue opinions and advice to those persons
consistent with the manner in which the Commission provides opinions
and advice pursuant to the act   , as specified  .
   The Political Reform Act of 1974, an initiative measure, provides
that the Legislature may amend the act to further the act's purposes
upon a 2/3 vote of each house and compliance with specified
procedural requirements.
   This bill would declare that it furthers the purposes of the act.

   Vote: 2/3. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 1091.5 of the  
Government Code   is amended to read: 
   1091.5.  (a) An officer or employee shall not be deemed to be
interested in a contract if his or her interest is any of the
   (1) The ownership of less than 3 percent of the shares of a
corporation for profit, provided that the total annual income to him
or her from dividends, including the value of stock dividends, from
the corporation does not exceed 5 percent of his or her total annual
income, and any other payments made to him or her by the corporation
do not exceed 5 percent of his or her total annual income.
   (2) That of an officer in being reimbursed for his or her actual
and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official
   (3) That of a recipient of public services generally provided by
the public body or board of which he or she is a member, on the same
terms and conditions as if he or she were not a member of the body or
   (4) That of a landlord or tenant of the contracting party if the
contracting party is the federal government or any federal department
or agency, this state or an adjoining state, any department or
agency of this state or an adjoining state, any county or city of
this state or an adjoining state, or any public corporation or
special, judicial, or other public district of this state or an
adjoining state unless the subject matter of the contract is the
property in which the officer or employee has the interest as
landlord or tenant in which event his or her interest shall be deemed
a remote interest within the meaning of, and subject to, the
provisions of Section 1091.
   (5) That of a tenant in a public housing authority created
pursuant to Part 2 (commencing with Section 34200) of Division 24 of
the Health and Safety Code in which he or she serves as a member of
the board of commissioners of the authority or of a community
development commission created pursuant to Part 1.7 (commencing with
Section 34100) of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code.
   (6) That of a spouse of an officer or employee of a public agency
in his or her spouse's employment or officeholding if his or her
spouse's employment or officeholding has existed for at least one
year prior to his or her election or appointment.
   (7) That of a nonsalaried member of a nonprofit corporation,
provided that this interest is disclosed to the body or board at the
time of the first consideration of the contract, and provided further
that this interest is noted in its official records.
   (8) That of a noncompensated officer of a nonprofit, tax-exempt
corporation, which, as one of its primary purposes, supports the
functions of the body or board or to which the body or board has a
legal obligation to give particular consideration, and provided
further that this interest is noted in its official records.
   For purposes of this paragraph, an officer is "noncompensated"
even though he or she receives reimbursement from the nonprofit,
tax-exempt corporation for necessary travel and other actual expenses
incurred in performing the duties of his or her office.
   (9) That of a person receiving salary, per diem, or reimbursement
for expenses from a government entity, unless the contract directly
involves the department of the government entity that employs the
officer or employee, provided that the interest is disclosed to the
body or board at the time of consideration of the contract, and
provided further that the interest is noted in its official record.
   (10) That of an attorney of the contracting party or that of an
owner, officer, employee, or agent of a firm which renders, or has
rendered, service to the contracting party in the capacity of
stockbroker, insurance agent, insurance broker, real estate agent, or
real estate broker, if these individuals have not received and will
not receive remuneration, consideration, or a commission as a result
of the contract and if these individuals have an ownership interest
of less than 10 percent in the law practice or firm, stock brokerage
firm, insurance firm, or real estate firm.
   (11) Except as provided in subdivision (b), that of an officer or
employee of, or a person having less than a 10-percent ownership
interest in, a bank, bank holding company, or savings and loan
association with which a party to the contract has a relationship of
borrower, depositor, debtor, or creditor.
   (12) That of (A) a bona fide nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation
having among its primary purposes the conservation, preservation, or
restoration of park and natural lands or historical resources for
public benefit, which corporation enters into an agreement with a
public agency to provide services related to park and natural lands
or historical resources and which services are found by the public
agency, prior to entering into the agreement or as part of the
agreement, to be necessary to the public interest to plan for,
acquire, protect, conserve, improve, or restore park and natural
lands or historical resources for public purposes and (B) any
officer, director, or employee acting pursuant to the agreement on
behalf of the nonprofit corporation. For purposes of this paragraph,
"agreement" includes contracts and grants, and "park," "natural
lands," and "historical resources" shall have the meanings set forth
in subdivisions (d), (g), and (i) of Section 5902 of the Public
Resources Code. Services to be provided to the public agency may
include those studies and related services, acquisitions of property
and property interests, and any activities related to those studies
and acquisitions necessary for the conservation, preservation,
improvement, or restoration of park and natural lands or historical
   (13) That of an officer, employee, or member of the Board of
Directors of the California Housing Finance Agency with respect to a
loan product or programs if the officer, employee, or member
participated in the planning, discussions, development, or approval
of the loan product or program and both of the following two
conditions exist:
   (A) The loan product or program is or may be originated by any
lender approved by the agency.
   (B) The loan product or program is generally available to
qualifying borrowers on terms and conditions that are substantially
the same for all qualifying borrowers at the time the loan is made.

   (14) That of a party to a contract for public services entered
into by a special district that requires a person to be a landowner
or a representative of a landowner to serve on the board of which the
officer or employee is a member, on the same terms and conditions as
if he or she were not a member of the body or board. For purposes of
this paragraph, "public services" includes the powers and purposes
generally provided pursuant to provisions of the Water Code relating
to irrigation districts, California water districts, water storage
districts, or reclamation districts. 
   (b) An officer or employee shall not be deemed to be interested in
a contract made pursuant to competitive bidding under a procedure
established by law if his or her sole interest is that of an officer,
director, or employee of a bank or savings and loan association with
which a party to the contract has the relationship of borrower or
depositor, debtor or creditor. 
  SECTION 1.    Section 1097 of the Government Code
is amended to read:
   1097.  (a) An officer or person prohibited by Section 1090 from
making or being interested in contracts, or from becoming a vendor or
purchaser at sales, or from purchasing scrip, or other evidences of
indebtedness, including any member of the governing board of a school
district, who willfully violates any provision of Section 1090 is
punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000),
or by imprisonment in the state prison, and is forever disqualified
from holding any office in this state.
   (b) An officer or person prohibited by Section 1090 from making or
being interested in contracts, or from becoming a vendor or
purchaser at sales, or from purchasing scrip, or other evidences of
indebtedness, including any member of the governing board of a school
district, who violates any provision of Section 1090, who causes any
other person to violate any provision of Section 1090, or who aids
and abets any other person in the violation of any provision of
Section 1090 shall be liable in an administrative action commenced by
the Commission as provided in Section 1097.1 or a civil action
commenced by the Commission as provided in Section 1097.2.
   (c) The Commission shall not commence an administrative or civil
action pursuant to subdivision (b) against a person except upon
written authorization from the district attorney of the county in
which the alleged violation occurred. A civil action alleging a
violation of Section 1090 shall not be filed against a person
pursuant to this section if the Attorney General or a district
attorney is pursuing a criminal prosecution of that person pursuant
to subdivision (a).
   (d) If two or more persons are responsible for a violation of this
section, they shall be jointly and severally liable.
   (e) A person who is subject to the prohibitions of Section 1090,
or that person's authorized representative, may request an opinion or
advice from the Commission with respect to his or her duties under
Section 1090. The Commission may provide an opinion or formal or
informal advice to that person in a manner consistent with the
Commission's duties and authority to provide opinions and advice
pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing
with Section 81000)) and implementing regulations adopted by the
Commission. The Commission's authority to issue opinions and advice
pursuant to this subdivision is concurrent with the authority of the
Attorney General to issue opinions and advice to a person with
respect to Section 1090.
   (f) The Commission may adopt, amend, and rescind regulations to
implement this section and Sections 1097.1, 1097.2, 1097.3, and
1097.4 in the same manner as provided in Section 83112.
   (g) For purposes of this section and Sections 1097.1, 1097.2,
1097.3, and 1097.4, "Commission" means the Fair Political Practices
   SEC. 2.    Section 1097.1 is added to the  
Government Code   , to read:  
   1097.1.  (a) The Commission shall have the jurisdiction to
commence an administrative action, or a civil action, as set forth
within the limitations of this section and Sections 1097.2, 1097.3,
1097.4, and 1097.5, against an officer or person prohibited by
Section 1090 from making or being interested in contracts, or from
becoming a vendor or purchaser at sales, or from purchasing scrip, or
other evidences of indebtedness, including any member of the
governing board of a school district, who violates any provision of
those laws or who causes any other person to violate any provision of
those laws.
   (b) The Commission shall not have jurisdiction to commence an
administrative or civil action or an investigation that might lead to
an administrative or civil action pursuant to subdivision (a)
against a person except upon written authorization from the district
attorney of the county in which the alleged violation occurred. A
civil action alleging a violation of Section 1090 shall not be filed
against a person pursuant to this section if the Attorney General or
a district attorney is pursuing a criminal prosecution of that person
pursuant to Section 1097.
   (c) (1) The Commission's duties and authority under the Political
Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000)) to issue
opinions or advice shall not be applicable to Sections 1090, 1091,
1091.1, 1091.2, 1091.3, 1091.4, 1091.5, 1091.6, or 1097, except as
provided in this subdivision.
   (2) A person subject to Section 1090 may request the Commission to
issue an opinion or advice with respect to his or her duties under
Section 1090, 1091, 1091.1, 1091.2, 1091.3, 1091.4, 1091.5, and
1091.6. The Commission shall decline to issue an opinion or advice
relating to past conduct.
   (3) The Commission shall forward a copy of the request for an
opinion or advice to the Attorney General's office and the local
district attorney prior to proceeding with the advice or opinion.
   (4) When issuing the advice or opinion, the Commission shall
either provide to the person who made the request a copy of any
written communications submitted by the Attorney General or a local
district attorney regarding the opinion or advice, or shall advise
the person that no written communications were submitted. The failure
of the Attorney General or a local district attorney to submit a
written communication pursuant to this paragraph shall not give rise
to an inference that the Attorney General or local district attorney
agrees with the opinion or advice.
   (5) The opinion or advice, when issued, may be offered as evidence
of good faith conduct by the requester in an enforcement proceeding,
if the requester truthfully disclosed all material facts and
committed the acts complained of in reliance on the opinion or
advice. Any opinion or advice of the Commission issued pursuant to
this subdivision shall not be admissible by any person other than the
requester in any proceeding other than a proceeding brought by the
Commission pursuant to this section. The Commission shall include in
any opinion or advice that it issues pursuant to this subdivision a
statement that the opinion or advice is not admissible in a criminal
proceeding against any individual other than the requester.
   (d) Any decision issued by the Commission pursuant to an
administrative action commenced pursuant to the jurisdiction
established in subdivision (a) shall not be admissible in any
proceeding other than a proceeding brought by the Commission pursuant
to this section. The Commission shall include in any decision it
issues pursuant to an administrative action commenced pursuant to the
jurisdiction established in subdivision (a) a statement that the
decision applies only to proceedings brought by the Commission.
   (e) The Commission may adopt, amend, and rescind regulations to
govern the procedures of the Commission consistent with the
requirements of this section and Sections 1097.2, 1097.3, 1097.4 and
1097.5. These regulations shall be adopted in accordance with the
Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section
11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2).
   (f) For purposes of this section and Sections 1097.2, 1097.3,
1097.4, and 1097.5, "Commission" means the Fair Political Practices
   SEC. 2.   SEC. 3.   Section 
1097.1   1097.2  is added to the Government Code,
to read:
    1097.1.   1097.2.   (a) Upon the sworn
complaint of a person or on its own initiative, the Commission shall
investigate possible violations of Section 1090  relating to
any officer or person subject to that section   , as
provided in Section 1097.1  .  The   After
complying with subdivision   (b) of Section 1097.1, the
 Commission shall provide a written notification to the person
filing a complaint in the manner described in Section 83115.
   (b) The Commission shall not make a finding of probable cause to
believe Section 1090 has been violated unless the Commission has
notified the person who is alleged to have violated Section 1090 in
the manner described in Section 83115.5.
   (c) If the Commission determines there is probable cause to
believe Section 1090 has been violated, it may hold a hearing to
determine if a violation has occurred, subject to the requirements of
subdivision  (c) of Section 1097   (b) of
Section 1097.1  and in the manner described in Section 83116.
   (d) If the Commission rejects the decision of an administrative
law judge made pursuant to Section 11517, the Commission shall state
the reasons in writing for rejecting the decision, as required by
Section 83116.3.
   (e) The Commission shall have all of the subpoena powers provided
in Section 83118 to assist in the performance of the Commission's
duties under this section. 
   (f) The Commission may provide immunity from prosecution for
testimony compelled by the Commission over a person's objection that
the testimony or evidence required of him or her may tend to
incriminate that person, as provided in Section 83119, with respect
to possible violations of Section 1090. In addition to the
requirements of Section 83119, the Commission shall not grant
immunity to a witness pursuant to this section unless the Commission
has obtained written authorization from the Attorney General and the
district attorney of the county in which the alleged violation
   (f) The Commission may refuse to excuse any person from
testifying, or from producing books, records, correspondence,
documents, or other evidence in obedience to the subpoena of the
Commission notwithstanding an objection that the testimony or
evidence required of the person may tend to incriminate the person. A
person who is compelled, after having claimed the privilege against
self-incrimination, to testify or produce testimonial evidence, shall
not have that testimony or the testimonial evidence the person
produced used against that person in a separate and subsequent
prosecution. However, the individual so testifying shall not be
exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed in so
testifying. The Commission shall not compel any person to testify or
produce testimonial evidence after the person has claimed the
privilege against self-incrimination unless the Commission has
obtained written authorization from the Attorney General and the
district attorney of the county in which the alleged violation
   (g) The Commission shall not commence an administrative action
pursuant to this section against a person who is subject to Section
1090 alleging a violation of that section if the Commission has
commenced a civil action pursuant to Section  1097.2
  1097.3  against that person for the same
violation.  For purposes of this subdivision   , the
commencement of the administrative action shall be the date of the
service of the probable cause hearing notice, as required by
subdivision (b), upon the person alleged to have violated Section
   (h) An administrative action brought pursuant to this section
shall be subject to the requirements of Section 91000.5.  For
purposes of that section, the commencement of the administrative
action shall be the date of the service of the probable cause hearing
notice, as required by subdivision (b), upon the person alleged to
have violated Section 1090. 
   SEC. 3.   SEC. 4.   Section 
1097.2   1097.3  is added to the Government Code,
to read:
    1097.2.   1097.3.   (a) Subject to the
requirements  of subdivision (c)  of Section
 1097   1097.1  , the Commission may file a
civil action  against a person subject to the prohibitions
identified in   for an alleged violation of 
Section 1090. A person held liable for  such  a violation
 of Section 1090  shall be subject to a civil fine
payable to the Commission for deposit in the General Fund of the
state in an amount not to exceed  the greater of ten thousand
dollars ($10,000) or  three times the value of the financial
benefit received by the  person, as determined by the trier
of fact   defendant for each violation  .
   (b) The Commission shall not commence a civil action pursuant to
this section alleging a violation of Section 1090 if the Commission
has commenced an administrative action pursuant to Section 1097.1
against the person for the same violation.
   (c) A civil action brought by the Commission pursuant to this
section shall  not  be filed  not  more
than four years after the date the violation occurred.
   SEC. 4.   SEC. 5.   Section 
1097.3   1097.4  is added to the Government Code,
to read:
    1097.3.   1097.4.   In addition to any
other remedies available, the Commission may obtain a judgment in
superior court for the purpose of collecting any unpaid monetary
penalties, fees, or civil penalties imposed pursuant to Section
1097.1  or   ,  1097.2  , or 1097.3
 . Penalties shall be collected in accordance with Section
   SEC. 5.   SEC. 6.   Section 
1097.4   1097.5  is added to the Government Code,
to read:
    1097.4.   1097.5.   (a) If the time for
judicial review of a final Commission order or decision issued
pursuant to Section  1097.1   1097.2  has
lapsed, or if all means of judicial review of the order or decision
have been exhausted, the Commission may apply to the clerk of the
superior court for a judgment to collect the penalties imposed by the
order or decision, or the order as modified in accordance with a
decision on judicial review.
   (1) The application, which shall include a certified copy of the
order or decision, or the order as modified in accordance with a
decision on judicial review, and proof of service of the order or
decision, constitutes a sufficient showing to warrant issuance of the
judgment to collect the penalties. The clerk of the court shall
enter the judgment immediately in conformity with the application.
   (2) An application made pursuant to this section shall be made to
the clerk of the superior court in the county where the monetary
penalties, fees, or civil penalties were imposed by the Commission.
   (3) A judgment entered in accordance with this section has the
same force and effect as, and is subject to all the provisions of law
relating to, a judgment in a civil action and may be enforced in the
same manner as any other judgment of the court in which it is
   (4) The Commission may bring an application pursuant to this
section only within four years after the date on which the monetary
penalty, fee, or civil penalty was imposed.
   (b) The remedy available under this section is in addition to
those available under Section  1097.3   1097.4
 or any other law.
   SEC. 6.   SEC. 7.   The Legislature
finds and declares that this bill furthers the purposes of the
Political Reform Act of 1974 within the meaning of subdivision (a) of
Section 81012 of the Government Code.