Senate Engrossed




State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session










on the death of Gabriel zimmerman.





Gabe Zimmerman, congressional aide to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was tragically killed on January 8, 2011 during a horrendous assassination attempt on the congresswoman's life.

Gabe Zimmerman served as a dedicated and passionate staffer for Representative Giffords, handling thousands of constituent issues and organizing public events in which constituents could meet Giffords and discuss issues with her.  He had earned his master's degree in social work, and cared greatly about helping others and working to improve their lives.  He worked out of the congresswoman's offices in Tucson and Sierra Vista and had recently become engaged to be married.

Six innocent people, including Gabe Zimmerman, were tragically killed on the morning of January 8, 2011, when a lone gunman began shooting those who had gathered at Representative Giffords' Congress on Your Corner event.  As Representative Giffords' outreach director, Gabe had organized this constituent event, believing that open communication between the voters and their elected officials was an integral part of an open democracy.  This senseless attack has shocked and saddened all Americans.

The citizens of Arizona are in mourning.  Yet for many, their grief goes deeper than can be imagined as they face the terrible reality of the loss of innocent loved ones.  Gabe Zimmerman will be greatly missed by his parents, Emily and Ross, his brother, Ben, his fiancée, Kelly, and his many friends and colleagues in the greater Tucson community.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona:

That the Members of the Senate sincerely regret the passing of Gabe Zimmerman and extend their deepest sympathies to his family, fiancée and many friends.