Senate Engrossed


aircraft license tax; technical correction

(now: essential employees; pandemic)





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session









A Concurrent Resolution


honoring Arizona's essential employees.





Whereas, service to others is a hallmark of the American character and is central to how we meet our challenges; and

Whereas, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health emergency that has led to unprecedented economic disruption; and

Whereas, it is recognized that some employees are essential and must continue to work in person to protect the strength and well-being of our communities, regardless of the circumstances that we are presented with; and

Whereas, employees in health care, grocery stores, post offices, social services, law enforcement, emergency services, emergency communications and many other professions and occupations have been considered essential workers during the pandemic; and

Whereas, the widespread implementation of stay-at-home measures and restrictions on many categories of businesses produced a surge in demand for delivery services, with its effects felt at every link in the supply chain; and

Whereas, essential workers are keeping the critical parts of our economy running during the fight against COVID-19; and

Whereas, while many workers have been told to stay home, these essential workers have a responsibility during the outbreak to continue operations, putting them at greater risk of contracting the virus.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the Members of the Legislature express their sincere gratitude to the essential employees who are working tirelessly during this pandemic.