REFERENCE TITLE: board of supervisors; seal





State of Arizona


Fifty-fourth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SB 1542


Introduced by

Senator Quezada: Representative Andrade





amending sections 11-412, 11-474, 11-475, 11-476 and 11-481, arizona revised statutes; relating to county officers.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 11-412, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-412.  Board of supervisors; seal

The board of supervisors, treasurer and recorder shall each have a seal of office bearing the name of the county and the office. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 11-474, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-474.  Copies of records; certification

A.  The recorder shall, upon on the application and payment of the fees provided therefor, shall make copies of instruments recorded or filed in his the recorder's office and furnish a certificate stating:

1.  The names of the parties to the instrument.

2.  The dates thereof.

3.  The book and page or record location number of the recording.

B.  In lieu of attaching the certificate the recorder may affix a recorder certification stamp and county seal directly to the record copy. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 11-475, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-475.  Fees; exemption

A.  The county recorder shall receive the following fees:

1.  For recording papers required or authorized by law to be recorded, if the fee is not otherwise specified in this section, thirty dollars $30 per instrument.

2.  For recording papers to which the United States, this state or a political subdivision of this state, including cities, towns and irrigation, drainage and electrical districts, is a party, when recorded at the request of the United States, this state or the political subdivision, fifteen dollars $15 per instrument.

3.  For preparing and certifying copies of a record in the recorder's office, one dollar $1 for each page or partial page.  In addition for attaching the recorder's certificate and county seal, three dollars $3.

4.  For issuing a certificate pursuant to section 47‑9523, ten dollars $10 for each name, plus one dollar $1 for each financing statement or statement of assignment reported therein.

B.  The fees provided in subsection A, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section include the amount charged pursuant to section 11‑475.01.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section, the recorder shall prepare and furnish copies and certifications at one‑half of the established fee when requested by any state agency for official purposes.

D.  The county recorder shall not receive a fee for performing the duties prescribed by this section for an office, agency or department of the county where the document is to be recorded.  This exemption shall apply only when the fees would otherwise be paid from public monies. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 11-476, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-476.  Preservation of county records; transcription and certification

A.  When county records or indexes become defaced, worn or in a condition endangering their preservation, the board of supervisors shall procure appropriate books and require the recorder to transcribe such records and indexes with a standard permanent black ink, provided, the recorder may choose otherwise to preserve the records as provided in section 11-478, which procedure may be used in lieu of the provisions of this section at the option of the recorder.

B.  The books or records when transcribed or reproduced shall conform to the original records as indexed.  The designation of the transcribed books or records shall not be changed from the original.  They shall be compared to the original and when found to be correctly transcribed or reproduced, the recorder and deputies transcribing, verifying or reproducing them shall officially certify at the end of the record, with the county seal of the office affixed on the same page, the correctness of the transcriptions or reproductions, reciting the number of pages in the book or record, from one to the highest number.

C.  Records so transcribed and certified shall be of the force and effect of the original records.

D.  This section shall apply applies to all records of the county recorders, boards of supervisors and courts of record, including records of registration and official maps and plats.  The clerk of the court or board shall perform the duties required by this section of the county recorder so far as such duties pertain to the records of their respective offices. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 11-481, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-481.  Title and size prerequisites for recording maps and plats; recording fee; exception

A.  All maps or plats presented for recording shall have a title that at least indicates the type of map or plat, the name of the subdivision or a description of the location of the area by section, township and range, the name of the owner of record of the area being surveyed and a place for the recorder's information and county seal block on the sheet.

B.  Any map or plat offered for recording that exceeds a size of eight and one‑half by fourteen inches shall be the original map legibly drawn on polyester or a copy reproduced on polyester by a photographic silver imaging process or other method that assures archival quality and is subject to the following restrictions:

1.  A map or plat of a subdivision shall be on a sheet or sheets measuring twenty‑four by thirty‑six inches, including a left margin of two inches and be drawn to an accurate scale in at least eleven point type.

2.  All other maps or plats shall be on a sheet or sheets measuring eighteen by twenty‑four inches or twenty‑four by thirty‑six inches, including a left margin of two inches and drawn to an accurate scale in at least eleven point type.

C.  The fee for recording any map or plat sheet exceeding eight and one‑half by fourteen inches shall be twenty dollars is $20 and shall be exclusive of the fees for recording any documents to which the map or plat is attached or by which it is accompanied.

D.  The fee for recording any map or plat sheet exceeding eight and one‑half by fourteen inches when recorded at the request of the United States, this state or a political subdivision of this state is ten dollars $10 and is exclusive of the fees for recording any documents to which the map or plat is attached or by which it is accompanied.

E.  The requirements of This section do does not apply to any map required to be recorded by the director of water resources under title 45, chapter 2. END_STATUTE