Senate Engrossed


registrations; early voting; move notice





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session








An Act


amending sections 16-165, 16-544 and 16-1016, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the conduct of elections.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 16-165, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-165. Causes for cancellation

A. The county recorder shall cancel a registration:

1. At the request of the person registered.

2. When the county recorder knows of the death of the person registered.

3. If the person has been adjudicated an incapacitated person as defined in section 14-5101.

4. When the person registered has been convicted of a felony, and the judgment of conviction has not been reversed or set aside.  The county recorder shall cancel the registration on receipt of notice of a felony conviction from the court or from the secretary of state or when reported by the elector on a signed juror questionnaire that is completed pursuant to section 21-314.

5. On production of a certified copy of a judgment directing a cancellation to be made.

6. Promptly after the election if the person registered has applied for a ballot pursuant to section 16-126.

7. When a person has been on the inactive voter list and has not voted during the time periods prescribed in section 16-166, subsection C.

8. When the county recorder receives written information from the person registered that the person has a change of residence within the county and the person does not complete and return a new registration form within twenty-nine days after the county recorder mails notification of the need to complete and return a new registration form with current information.

9. When the county recorder receives written information from the person registered that the person has a change of address outside the county.

10. When the county recorder receives confirmation from another county recorder that the person registered has registered to vote in that other county.

B. If the county recorder receives credible information that a person has registered to vote in a different county, the county recorder shall confirm the person's voter registration with that other county and, on confirmation, shall cancel the person's registration pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 10 of this section.

B. C. If the county recorder cancels a registration pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 8 of this section, the county recorder shall send the person notice that the registration has been cancelled and a registration form with the information described in section 16-131, subsection C attached to the form.

C. D. When proceedings in the superior court or the United States district court result in a person being declared incapable of taking care of himself and managing his property, and for whom a guardian of the person and estate is appointed, result in such person being committed as an insane person or result in a person being convicted of a felony, the clerk of the superior court in the county in which those proceedings occurred shall file with the secretary of state an official notice of that fact.  The secretary of state shall notify the appropriate county recorder and the recorder shall cancel the name of the person on the register.  Such a notice shall name the person covered, shall give the person's date and place of birth if available, the person's social security number, if available, the person's usual place of residence, the person's address and the date of the notice, and shall be filed with the recorder of the county where the person last resided.

D. E. Each month the department of health services shall transmit to the secretary of state without charge a record of the death of every resident of the state reported to the department within the preceding month. This record shall include only the name of the decedent, the decedent's date of birth, the decedent's date of death, the decedent's social security number, if available, the decedent's usual legal residence at the time of death and, if available, the decedent's father's name or mother's maiden name. The secretary of state shall use the record for the sole purpose of canceling the names of deceased persons from the statewide voter registration database. In addition, the department of health services shall annually provide to the secretary of state from the statewide electronic death registration system without charge a record of all deaths of residents of this state that are reported to the department of health services. The records transmitted by the department of health services shall include only the name of the decedent, the decedent's date of birth, the decedent's social security number, if available, the decedent's usual legal residence at the time of death and, if available, the decedent's father's name or mother's maiden name. The secretary of state shall compare the records of deaths with the statewide voter registration database. Public access to the records is prohibited. Use of information from the records for purposes other than those required by this section is prohibited. The name of each deceased person shall promptly be canceled from the statewide voter registration database and the secretary of state shall notify the appropriate county recorder and the recorder shall cancel the name of the person from the register. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 16-544, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-544. Active early voting list; civil penalty; violation; classification; definition

A. Any voter may request to be included on a list of voters to receive an early ballot by mail for any election for which the county voter registration roll is used to prepare the election register. The county recorder of each county shall maintain the active early voting list as part of the voter registration roll.

B. In order to be included on the active early voting list, the voter shall make a written request specifically requesting that the voter's name be added to the active early voting list for all elections in which the applicant is eligible to vote. An early voter request form shall conform to requirements prescribed in the instructions and procedures manual issued pursuant to section 16-452. The application shall allow for the voter to provide the voter's name, residence address, mailing address in the voter's county of residence, date of birth and signature and shall state that the voter is attesting that the voter is a registered voter who is eligible to vote in the county of residence. The voter shall not list a mailing address that is outside of this state for the purpose of the active early voting list unless the voter is an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter as defined in the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee voting act of 1986 (P.L. 99-410; 52 United States Code section 20310). In lieu of the application, the applicant may submit a written request that contains the required information.

C. On receipt of a request to be included on the active early voting list, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall compare the signature on the request form with the voter's signature on the voter's registration form and, if the request is from the voter, shall mark the voter's registration file as an active early ballot request.

D. Not less than ninety days before any polling place election scheduled in March or August, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall mail to all voters who are eligible for the election and who are included on the active early voting list an election notice by nonforwardable mail that is marked with the statement required by the postmaster to receive an address correction notification.  If an election is not formally called by a jurisdiction by the one hundred twentieth day before the election, the recorder or other officer in charge of elections is not required to send the election notice. The notice shall include the dates of the elections that are the subject of the notice, the dates that the voter's ballot is expected to be mailed and the address where the ballot will be mailed. If the upcoming election is a partisan open primary election and the voter is not registered as a member of one of the political parties that is recognized for purposes of that primary, the notice shall include information on the procedure for the voter to designate a political party ballot. The notice shall be delivered with return postage prepaid and shall also include a means for the voter to do any of the following:

1. Change the mailing address for the voter's ballot to another location in the voter's county of residence.

2. Update the voter's residence address in the voter's county of residence.

3. Request that the voter not be sent a ballot for the upcoming election or elections indicated on the notice.

E. If the notice that is mailed to the voter is returned undeliverable by the postal service, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall take the necessary steps to contact the voter at the voter's new residence address in order to update that voter's address or to move the voter to inactive status as prescribed in section 16-166, subsection A. If a voter is moved to inactive status, the voter shall be removed from the active early voting list. If the voter is removed from the active early voting list, the voter shall only be added to the active early voting list again if the voter submits a new request pursuant to this section.

F. Not later than the first day of early voting, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall mail an early ballot to all eligible voters included on the active early voting list in the same manner prescribed in section 16-542, subsection C. If the voter has not returned the notice or otherwise notified the election officer within forty-five days before the election that the voter does not wish to receive an early ballot by mail for the election or elections indicated, the ballot shall automatically be scheduled for mailing.

G. If a voter who is on the active early voting list is not registered as a member of a recognized political party and fails to notify the county recorder of the voter's choice for political party ballot within forty-five days before a partisan open primary election, the following apply:

1. The voter shall not automatically be sent a ballot for that partisan open primary election only and the voter's name shall remain on the active early voting list for future elections.

2. To receive an early ballot for the primary election, the voter shall submit the voter's choice for political party ballot to the county recorder.

H. After a voter has requested to be included on the active early voting list, the voter shall be sent an early ballot by mail automatically for any election at which a voter at that residence address is eligible to vote until any of the following occurs:

1. The voter requests in writing to be removed from the active early voting list.

2. The voter's registration or eligibility for registration is moved to inactive status or canceled as otherwise provided by law.

3. The notice sent by the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections is returned undeliverable and the county recorder or officer in charge of elections is unable to contact the voter to determine the voter's continued desire to remain on the list.

4. The voter fails to vote an early ballot in all elections for two consecutive election cycles. For the purposes of this paragraph, "election" means any regular primary or regular general election for which there was a federal race on the ballot or for which a city or town candidate primary or first election or city or town candidate second, general or runoff election was on the ballot. This paragraph does not apply to:

(a) A special taxing district that is authorized pursuant to section 16-191 to conduct its own elections.

(b) A special district mail ballot election that is conducted pursuant to article 8.1 of this chapter.

I. A voter may make a written request at any time to be removed from the active early voting list. The request shall include the voter's name, residence address, date of birth and signature. On receipt of a completed request to remove a voter from the active early voting list, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall remove the voter's name from the list as soon as practicable.

J. An absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter as defined in the uniformed and overseas citizens absentee voting act of 1986 (P.L. 99-410; 52 United States Code section 20310) is eligible to be placed on the active early voting list pursuant to this section.

K. A voter's failure to vote an early ballot once received does not constitute grounds to remove the voter from the active early voting list, except that a county recorder shall remove a voter from the active early voting list if both of the following apply:

1. The county recorder or other officer in charge of elections complies with subsection M of this section.

2. The voter fails to vote using an early ballot in all of the following elections for two consecutive election cycles:

(a) A regular primary and regular general election for which there was a federal race on the ballot.

(b) A city or town candidate primary or first election and a city or town candidate second, general or runoff election.

L. On or before January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall send a notice to each voter who is on the active early voting list and who did not vote an early ballot in all elections for two consecutive election cycles as prescribed by subsection K of this section.  If the voter has provided the voter's telephone or mobile phone number or email address to the county recorder, the county recorder may additionally provide the notice to the voter by telephone call, text message or email.  The notice shall inform the voter that if the voter wishes to remain on the active early voting list, the voter shall do both of the following with the notice received:

1. Confirm in writing the voter's desire to remain on the active early voting list.

2. Return the completed notice to the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections within ninety days after the notice is sent to the voter.  The notice shall be signed by the voter and shall contain the voter's address and date of birth.

M. If a voter receives a notice as prescribed by subsection L of this section and the voter fails to respond within the ninety-day period, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall remove the voter's name from the active early voting list.

N. A candidate, political committee or other organization may distribute active early voting list request forms to voters. If the active early voting list request forms include a printed address for return, that address shall be the political subdivision that will conduct the election. Failure to use the political subdivision as the return addressee is punishable by a civil penalty of up to three times the cost of the production and distribution of the active early voting list request.

O. All original and completed active early voting list request forms that are received by a candidate, political committee or other organization shall be submitted within six business days after receipt by a candidate or political committee or eleven days before the election day, whichever is earlier, to the political subdivision that will conduct the election. Any person, political committee or other organization that fails to submit a completed active early voting list request form within the prescribed time is subject to a civil penalty of up to $25 per day for each completed form withheld from submittal. Any person who knowingly fails to submit a completed active early voting list request form before the submission deadline for the election immediately following the completion of the form is guilty of a class 6 felony.

P. A person who receives an early ballot at an address at which another person formerly resided, without voting the ballot or signing the envelope, shall write "not at this address" on the envelope AND place the mail piece in a united states postal service collection box or other mail receptacle. On receipt the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall proceed in the manner prescribed in subsection E of this section.

Q. When the county recorder receives confirmation from another county that a person registered has registered to vote in that other county, the county recorder shall remove that person from the active early voting list.

R. If the county recorder receives credible information that a person has registered to vote in a different county, the county recorder shall confirm the person's voter registration with that other county and, on confirmation, shall remove that person from the county's active early voting list pursuant to subsection Q of this section.

P. S. For the purposes of this section, "election cycle" means the two-year period beginning on January 1 in the year after a statewide general election or, for cities and towns, the two-year period beginning on the first day of the calendar quarter after the calendar quarter in which the city's or town's second, runoff or general election is scheduled and ending on the last day of the calendar quarter in which the city's or town's immediately following second, runoff or general election is scheduled, however that election is designated by the city or town. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 16-1016, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-1016. Illegal voting; pollution of ballot box; removal or destruction of ballot box, poll lists or ballots; violation; classification

A person is guilty of a class 5 felony who:

1. Not being entitled to vote, knowingly votes.

2. Knowingly votes more than once at any election.

3. Knowingly votes in two or more jurisdictions in this state for which residency is required for lawful voting and the person is not a resident of all jurisdictions in which the person voted. For the purposes of this paragraph, a person has only one residence for the purpose of voting.

4. Knowingly votes in this state in an election in which a federal office appears on the ballot and votes in another state in an election in which a federal office appears on the ballot and the election day for both states is the same date.

5. Knowingly gives to an election official two or more ballots folded together.

6. Knowingly changes or destroys a ballot after it has been deposited in the ballot box.

7. Knowingly adds a ballot to those legally cast at any election, by fraudulently introducing the ballot into the ballot box either before or after the ballots therein in the ballot box have been counted.

8. Knowingly adds to or mixes with ballots lawfully cast, other ballots, while they are being canvassed or counted, with intent to affect the result of the election, or to exhibit the ballots as evidence on the trial of an election contest.

9. Knowingly and unlawfully carries away, conceals or removes a poll list, ballot or ballot box from the polling place, or from possession of the person authorized by law to have custody thereof.

10. Knowingly destroys a polling list, ballot or ballot box with the intent to interrupt or invalidate the election.

11. Knowingly detains, alters, mutilates or destroys ballots or election returns.

12. Knowingly provides a mechanism for voting to another person who is registered in another state, including by forwarding an early ballot addressed to the other person. END_STATUTE