REFERENCE TITLE: student data; privacy




State of Arizona


Fifty-second Legislature

First Regular Session




SB 1247


Introduced by

Senator Dial





amending Title 15, chapter 9, article 8, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 15-1046; relating to the student accountability information system.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Title 15, chapter 9, article 8, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 15-1046, to read:

START_STATUTE15-1046.  Student data; privacy; policies; security plan

A.  The state board of education shall create, publish and make publicly available on the department of education's website a data inventory and data dictionary or an index of data elements with definition of student data elements in education data system.

B.  All personally identifiable information and student level data contained in the education data system is confidential and is not a public record.

C.  The department of education shall create a unique pupil identifier for each pupil in the education data system.

D.  The department of education shall develop, publish and make publicly available policies and procedure to comply with all relevant state and federal privacy laws.  The policies shall require that:

1.  Access to student level data in the education data system be restricted to:

(a)  The authorized staff of the department who require access to perform their assigned duties.

(b)  School district and charter school administrators, teachers and personnel who require access to perform their assigned duties.

(c)  Students and their parents, except that a student and that student's parent shall have access only to data about that particular student.

(d)  The authorized staff of other agencies in this state or of political subdivisions of this state.

(e)  Appropriate entities in compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena or court order.

(f)  Appropriate officials in connection with an audit or an evaluation of a federal or state‑supported educational program.

2.  The department use only aggregated data that does not contain personally identifiable information in public reports and in response to public records requests.

3.  Students and parents be notified of their rights to privacy of educational records under federal and state law.

E.  Unless otherwise allowed by law, the department may not transfer student level data deemed confidential under this article to any federal agency or any state or local agency.

F.  The department shall develop and implant a detailed security plan that includes:

1.  Guidelines for authorizing access to the education data system and to student level data.

2.  Standards for compliance with privacy laws.

3.  Privacy and security audits.

4.  Planning for breaches of data systems, including notification procedures.

5.  Data retention and disposition policies.

G.  The department shall ensure that any contracts with private vendors include express provisions that safeguard privacy and security and civil penalties for noncompliance.

H.  A student's parent has the right to inspect and review a copy of the student's educational record. END_STATUTE