REFERENCE TITLE: transplant awareness




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fiftieth Legislature

First Regular Session




HCR 2039


Introduced by

Representatives Miranda R, Miranda C, Tovar: Arredondo, Fillmore, Tobin





Declaring the month of April 2011 as transplant awareness month.





Whereas, advances in medical research and improvements in transplant technology are offering the hope of a longer, healthier life to hundreds of Arizonans today who suffer from diseases of vital organs of the body; and

Whereas, many underprivileged Arizonans in need of organ transplants rely on our state's Medicaid program, "AHCCCS," to help pay for the high costs of these lifesaving procedures; and

Whereas, the state's recent cuts to the AHCCCS program have made transplants unattainable to many underprivileged Arizonans; and

Whereas, a donation of just one dollar by each resident of this state would restore transplant funding to those who are now awaiting a lifesaving organ transplant.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the Senate concurring:

That the Members of the Legislature proclaim the month of April 2011 as Transplant Awareness Month to promote heightened awareness of the dire needs of Arizonans who are awaiting a lifesaving organ transplant and to encourage each resident of Arizona to donate one dollar to restore funding to Arizona's transplant program to make these transplants possible for our fellow Arizonans.