REFERENCE TITLE: appropriations; community services and programs




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-second Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2630


Introduced by

Representatives Rios, Alston, Bolding, Cardenas, Espinoza, Fernandez, Gabaldón, Gonzales, Hale, Larkin, Mendez, Meyer, Plumlee, Velasquez, Wheeler: Andrade, Benally, Clark, Friese, Kopec, Mach, McCune Davis, Otondo





Appropriating monies for health and human services.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  In addition to any other appropriations and subject to applicable laws, the sums or sources of revenue set forth in this act are appropriated for the fiscal years indicated and only from the funding sources listed for the purposes and objects specified.  If monies from funding sources in this act are unavailable, no other funding source may be used.



FTE positions                                  46

Caseworker retention pay            $   4,077,400

Healthy families                        4,000,000

In-home preventive support

  services                              4,000,000

Unlicensed relative caregivers          2,000,000

Total appropriation – department of

child safety                        $  14,077,400

Fund sources:

State general fund                  $  14,077,400

Before transferring any monies out of the in‑home preventive support services line item, the department of child safety shall submit a report for review by a vote of a majority of a quorum of the members of the joint legislative budget committee.

The amount appropriated for the unlicensed relative caregivers line item shall be used for training and support of unlicensed relative caregivers.



FTE positions                                23.2

Child care subsidy                  $   8,000,000

Temporary assistance for needy

  families cash benefits                4,000,000

Total appropriation – department of

economic security                   $  12,000,000

Fund sources:

State general fund                  $  12,000,000

Sec. 4.  Legislative intent; AHCCCS; children's health insurance program; state plan amendment; request for funding; notification; conforming legislation

A.  It is the intent of the legislature that this state's title XXI children's health insurance program resume enrollment in the program.

B.  Within five days after the effective date of this section, the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall do both of the following:

1.  Submit to the centers for medicare and medicaid services a state plan amendment for this state's title XXI children's health insurance program to resume enrollment in the program.

2.  Project the enrollment rate for the children's health insurance program for the remainder of federal fiscal years 2015‑2016 and 2016‑2017 and request from the centers for medicare and medicaid services any additional allotment needed to resume enrollment in the children's health insurance program.

C.  The director of the Arizona health care cost containment system shall notify in writing the director of the Arizona legislative council on or before July 15, 2017 either:

1.  Of the date on which the centers for medicare and medicaid services approve this state's state plan amendment to resume enrollment in the children's health insurance program.

2.  That the centers for medicare and medicaid services did not approve this state's state plan amendment to resume enrollment in the children's health insurance program.

D.  If the centers for medicare and medicaid services approve this state's state plan amendment to resume enrollment in the children's health insurance program, the legislative council staff shall prepare proposed legislation conforming the Arizona Revised Statutes to the provisions of this act for consideration not later than the fifty-third legislature, second regular session.