REFERENCE TITLE: moving violations; injured pedestrians; penalties





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





HB 2419


Introduced by

Representative Gress









An Act


amending section 28-672, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to vehicle accidents.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 28-672, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-672. Causing serious physical injury or death by a moving violation; time limitation; penalties; violation; classification; definition

A. A person is guilty of causing serious physical injury or death by a moving violation if the person violates any one of the following and the violation results in an accident causing serious physical injury or death to another person:

1. Section 28-645, subsection A, paragraph 3, subdivision (a).

2. Section 28-710.

3. Section 28-729.

4. Section 28-771.

5. Section 28-772.

6. Section 28-773.

7. Section 28-792.

8. Section 28-794.

9. Section 28-797, subsection F, G, H or I.

10. Section 28-855, subsection B.

11. Section 28-857, subsection A.

12. Section 28-914.

B. A person who violates this section shall attend and successfully complete traffic survival school educational sessions that are designed to improve the safety and habits of drivers, and that are approved by the department and that include educational information relating to the rights of pedestrians, motorcycle operators and bicycle operators pursuant to this chapter. In addition, the court may order the person to perform community restitution.

C. The court shall report a conviction for a violation of this section to the department and:

1. For a first violation of this section, shall direct the department to suspend the person's driving privilege or restrict the person's driving privilege as described in section 28-144 for:

(a) At least ninety days and not more than one hundred eighty days if the violation results in serious physical injury. and

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (c) of this paragraph, at least one hundred eighty days and not more than one year if the violation results in death.

(c) At least one year if the violation results in death to a pedestrian, motorcycle operator or bicyclist.

2. For a second or subsequent violation of this section within a period of thirty-six months, shall direct the department to suspend the person's driving privilege for:

(a) One hundred eighty days if the violation results in serious physical injury. and

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (c) of this paragraph, one year if the violation results in death.

(c) At least eighteen months if the violation results in the death of a pedestrian, motorcycle operator or bicyclist.

D. If a person's driving privilege is suspended pursuant to any other statute because of an incident involving a violation of this section, the suspension period prescribed in subsection C of this section shall run consecutively with the other suspension period.

E. If a person fails to successfully complete traffic survival school educational sessions or perform community restitution pursuant to this section, the court shall notify the department and the department shall promptly suspend the driver license or permit of the driver or the privilege of a nonresident to drive a motor vehicle in this state until the order is satisfied.

F. If the person who suffers serious physical injury as a result of a violation of this section appears before the court in which the action is pending at any time before trial and acknowledges receipt of satisfaction for the injury, on payment of the costs incurred, the court shall order that the prosecution be dismissed and the defendant be discharged. The reasons for the order shall be set forth and entered of record, and the order shall be a bar to another prosecution for the same offense.

G. Restitution awarded pursuant to section 13-603 as a result of a violation of this section shall not exceed $100,000.

H. A prosecution for a violation of this section must be commenced within two years after actual discovery of the offense by the state or the political subdivision having jurisdiction or discovery by the state or the political subdivision that should have occurred with the exercise of reasonable diligence, whichever first occurs.

I. A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor except that if the violation results in:

1. Serious physical injury to a pedestrian, motorcycle operator or bicyclist, the person is guilty of a class 6 felony and is subject to both:

(a) a fine of at least $1,500.

(b) At least thirty days of house arrest.

2. The death of a pedestrian, motorcycle operator or bicyclist, The person is guilty of a class 5 felony and is subject to both:

(a) a fine of at least $5,000.

(b) At least one hundred eighty days of house arrest.

J. For the purposes of this section, "serious physical injury" has the same meaning prescribed in section 13-105. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Short title

This act may be cited as "Kong's Law".