REFERENCE TITLE: nutrition; health; pilot programs; grants





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





HB 2343


Introduced by

Representative Shah









An Act


establishing the food as medicine grant pilot program; appropriating monies.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Food as medicine grant pilot program; grants; reporting requirements; delayed repeal

A. The three-year food as medicine grant pilot program is established in the department of health services to pilot innovative solutions highlighting the link between nutrition, diet-related illnesses and poor health outcomes.

B. The department of health services shall establish at least five grant-funded pilot programs and, on or before March 1, 2024, shall award grants to entities to address the following:

1. Nutrition education.

2. Access to healthy food for children, families and the elderly.

3. Strengthening local and state food supply chains focusing on Arizona agriculture.

4. Reducing the incidence of diet-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

5. Integrating health care delivery systems with food and nutrition programming in schools and communities.

C. The department of health services shall award grants over a three-year period with at least two of the five grants awarded to recipients in rural service areas in this state.  The department shall prioritize grant applicants that demonstrate collaboration across multiple sectors of the community, stakeholder groups and disciplines.

D. On or before November 1, 2025 and June 1, 2027, the department of health services shall report on the progress of the pilot programs and the impact of the funding on the pilot programs' goals, respectively, to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate and the chairpersons of the health and human services committees of the house of representative and the senate, or their successor committees, and shall provide a copy of the report to the secretary of state's office.

E. This section is repealed from and after June 30, 2027.

Sec. 2. Appropriation; department of health services; food as medicine grant pilot program; exemption

A. The sum of $5,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2023-2024 to the department of health services to provide grants through the food as medicine grant pilot program established by this act.

B. The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to the lapsing of appropriations. Any monies remaining unspent on July 1, 2027 revert to the state general fund.