Bill Amendment: AZ SB1274 | 2015 | Fifty-second Legislature 1st Regular

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: ADOT omnibus

Status: 2015-04-02 - Transmit to Senate [SB1274 Detail]

Download: Arizona-2015-SB1274-SENATE_ADOPTED_AMENDMENT_Transportation.html

Fifty-second Legislature                                           Transportation

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1274






(Reference to printed bill)



Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert

           “Section 1.  Section 28-332, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to           read:

START_STATUTE28-332.  Department of transportation jurisdiction; duties; divisions

A.  The exclusive control and jurisdiction over state highways, state routes, state owned airports and all state owned transportation systems or modes are vested in the department of transportation.

B.  The department shall:

1.  Register motor vehicles and aircraft, license drivers, collect revenues, enforce motor vehicle and aviation statutes and perform related functions.

2.  Do multimodal state transportation planning, cooperate and coordinate transportation planning with local governments and establish an annually updated priority program of capital improvements for all transportation modes.

3.  Design and construct transportation facilities in accordance with a priority plan and maintain and operate state highways, state owned airports and state public transportation systems.

4.  Investigate new transportation systems and cooperate with and advise local governments concerning the development and operation of public transit systems.

5.  Have administrative jurisdiction of transportation safety programs and implement them in accordance with applicable law.

C.  In order to carry out the responsibilities enumerated in subsection B of this section, the department is organized into the following divisions:

1.  Motor vehicle.

2.  Transportation planning.

3.  Highways.

4.  Aeronautics.

5.  Public transit.

6.  Administrative services.

D.  The director may do any of the following:

1.  Establish divisions in addition to those prescribed in subsection  C of this section.

2.  Reorganize the department.

3.  Consolidate the department.

4.  subject to title 41, chapters 6 and 23 relating to administrative procedures and the procurement code, establish alternative methods and use contracted private persons for the administration and oversight of programs, functions or persons that are subject to this title. the director may adopt rules for the administration of this paragraph.

E.  The department shall provide general administrative support, equipment and office and meeting space to the Arizona international development authority established by title 41, chapter 45. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 28-2051, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-2051.  Application for certificate of title; vision screening test

A.  A person shall apply to the department on a form prescribed or authorized by the department for a certificate of title to a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer.  The person shall make the application within fifteen days after the purchase or transfer of the vehicle, trailer or semitrailer except that a licensed motor vehicle dealer shall make the application within thirty days after the purchase or transfer.  All transferees shall sign the application, except that one transferee may sign the application if both of the following apply:

1.  The application is for the purposes of converting an out‑of‑state certificate of title to a certificate of title issued pursuant to this article.

2.  The ownership or legal status of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer does not change.

B.  The application shall contain:

1.  The transferee's full name and either the driver license number of the transferee or a number assigned by the department.

2.  The transferee's complete residence address.

3.  A brief description of the vehicle to be titled.

4.  The name of the manufacturer of the vehicle.

5.  The serial number of the vehicle.

6.  The last license plate number if applicable and if known and the state in which the license plate number was issued.

7.  If the application is for a certificate of title to a new vehicle, the date of sale by the manufacturer or dealer to the person first operating the vehicle.

8.  If the application is in the name of a lessor:

(a)  The lessor shown on the application as the owner or transferee.

(b)  At the option of the lessor, the lessee shown on the application as the registrant.

(c)  The address of either the lessor or lessee.

(d)  The signature of the lessor.

9.  If the application is for a certificate of title to a specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicle, a statement of that fact.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "specially constructed vehicle" means a vehicle not originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model or type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles.

10.  If an applicant rents or intends to rent the vehicle without a driver, a statement of that fact.

11.  Other information required by the department.

C.  Unless subsection B, paragraph 8 of this section applies, on request of an applicant, the department shall allow the applicant to provide on the title of a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer a post office box address that is regularly used by the applicant.

D.  A person shall submit the following information with an application for a certificate of title:

1.  To a vehicle previously registered:

(a)  The odometer mileage disclosure statement prescribed by section 28‑2058.

(b)  If the applicant is applying for title pursuant to section 28‑2060, the applicant's statement of the odometer reading as of the date of application.

2.  To a new vehicle:

(a) either of the following:

(i)  A certificate or electronic title from the manufacturer showing the date of sale to the dealer or person first receiving the vehicle from the manufacturer.  Before the department issues a certificate of title to a new vehicle, a certificate or electronic title from the manufacturer shall be surrendered to the department.

(ii)  other documentation as approved by the director showing that the date of sale to the dealer or person first receiving the vehicle from the manufacturer.

(b)  The name of the dealer or person.

(c)  A description sufficient to identify the vehicle.

(d)  A statement certifying that the vehicle was new when sold.

(e)  If sold through a dealer, a statement by the dealer certifying that the vehicle was new when sold to the applicant.

E.  The department may request that an applicant who appears in person for a certificate of title of a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer satisfactorily complete the vision screening test prescribed by the department.” END_STATUTE

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform




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