State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2455

            FANN Floor Amendment

            Reference to: House engrossed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Cassandra Undhagen





1.    Directs the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to require a person convicted of a driving under the influence violation (DUI), extreme DUI or an aggravated DUI to complete a Traffic Survival School (TSS) course.


2.    Requires a person convicted of a second DUI or extreme DUI within seven years to attend and successfully complete an approved TSS.


3.    Allows the Director of ADOT, upon finding that a licensed TSS operator has violated or not complied with TSS statute or rule, to impose a civil penalty between $300 and $3000 on the licensee or, after a hearing, cancel, suspend or revoke the TSS license.


4.    Requires the Director of ADOT to deposit into the State Highway Fund monies collected from civil penalties imposed on a TSS licensee for noncompliance or violation of TSS statute or rule.


5.    Makes technical and conforming changes.



Fifty-third Legislature                                                      FANN

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2455




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:

"Section 1.  Section 28-1381, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1381.  Driving or actual physical control while under the influence; trial by jury; presumptions; admissible evidence; sentencing; classification

A.  It is unlawful for a person to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle in this state under any of the following circumstances:

1.  While under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, a vapor releasing substance containing a toxic substance or any combination of liquor, drugs or vapor releasing substances if the person is impaired to the slightest degree.

2.  If the person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more within two hours of driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed either before or while driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle.

3.  While there is any drug defined in section 13‑3401 or its metabolite in the person's body.

4.  If the vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle that requires a person to obtain a commercial driver license as defined in section 28‑3001 and the person has an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more.

B.  It is not a defense to a charge of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section that the person is or has been entitled to use the drug under the laws of this state.

C.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.

D.  A person using a drug as prescribed by a medical practitioner who is licensed pursuant to title 32 and who is authorized to prescribe the drug is not guilty of violating subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section.

E.  In any prosecution for a violation of this section, the state shall allege, for the purpose of classification and sentencing pursuant to this section, all prior convictions of violating this section, section 28‑1382 or section 28‑1383 occurring within the past thirty‑six months, unless there is an insufficient legal or factual basis to do so.

F.  At the arraignment, the court shall inform the defendant that the defendant may request a trial by jury and that the request, if made, shall be granted.

G.  In a trial, action or proceeding for a violation of this section or section 28‑1383 other than a trial, action or proceeding involving driving or being in actual physical control of a commercial vehicle, the defendant's alcohol concentration within two hours of the time of driving or being in actual physical control as shown by analysis of the defendant's blood, breath or other bodily substance gives rise to the following presumptions:

1.  If there was at that time 0.05 or less alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath or other bodily substance, it may be presumed that the defendant was not under the influence of intoxicating liquor.

2.  If there was at that time in excess of 0.05 but less than 0.08 alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath or other bodily substance, that fact shall not give rise to a presumption that the defendant was or was not under the influence of intoxicating liquor, but that fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant.

3.  If there was at that time 0.08 or more alcohol concentration in the defendant's blood, breath or other bodily substance, it may be presumed that the defendant was under the influence of intoxicating liquor.

H.  Subsection G of this section does not limit the introduction of any other competent evidence bearing on the question of whether or not the defendant was under the influence of intoxicating liquor.

I.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section:

1.  Shall be sentenced to serve not less than ten consecutive days in jail and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence is served.

2.  Shall pay a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars.

3.  May be ordered by a court to perform community restitution.

4.  Shall pay an additional assessment of five hundred dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the prison construction and operations fund established by section 41‑1651.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer. If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

5.  Shall pay an additional assessment of five hundred dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the public safety equipment fund established by section 41‑1723.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer. If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

6.  If the violation involved intoxicating liquor, shall be required by the department, on report of the conviction, to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this paragraph shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

7.  Shall be required by the department to attend and successfully complete an approved traffic survival school course.

J.  Notwithstanding subsection I, paragraph 1 of this section, at the time of sentencing the judge may suspend all but one day of the sentence if the person completes a court ordered alcohol or other drug screening, education or treatment program.  If the person fails to complete the court ordered alcohol or other drug screening, education or treatment program and has not been placed on probation, the court shall issue an order to show cause to the defendant as to why the remaining jail sentence should not be served.

K.  If within a period of eighty-four months a person is convicted of a second violation of this section or is convicted of a violation of this section and has previously been convicted of a violation of section 28‑1382 or 28‑1383 or an act in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of this section or section 28‑1382 or 28‑1383, the person:

1.  Shall be sentenced to serve not less than ninety days in jail, thirty days of which shall be served consecutively, and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence has been served.

2.  Shall pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars.

3.  Shall be ordered by a court to perform at least thirty hours of community restitution.

4.  Shall have the person's driving privilege revoked for one year.  The court shall report the conviction to the department.  On receipt of the report, the department shall revoke the person's driving privilege and, if the violation involved intoxicating liquor, shall require the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this paragraph shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

5.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the prison construction and operations fund established by section 41‑1651.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

6.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the public safety equipment fund established by section 41‑1723.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

7.  Shall be required by the department to attend and successfully complete an approved traffic survival school course.

L.  Notwithstanding subsection K, paragraph 1 of this section, at the time of sentencing, the judge may suspend all but thirty days of the sentence if the person completes a court ordered alcohol or other drug screening, education or treatment program.  If the person fails to complete the court ordered alcohol or other drug screening, education or treatment program and has not been placed on probation, the court shall issue an order to show cause as to why the remaining jail sentence should not be served.

M.  In applying the eighty-four month provision of subsection K of this section, the dates of the commission of the offense shall be the determining factor, irrespective of the sequence in which the offenses were committed.

N.  A second violation for which a conviction occurs as provided in this section shall not include a conviction for an offense arising out of the same series of acts.

O.  After completing forty-five days of the revocation period prescribed by subsection K of this section, a person whose driving privilege is revoked for a violation of this section and who is sentenced pursuant to subsection K of this section is eligible for a special ignition interlock restricted driver license pursuant to section 28‑1401.

P.  The court may order a person who is convicted of a violation of this section that does not involve intoxicating liquor to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  On receipt of the report of the conviction and certified ignition interlock device requirement, the department shall require the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this subsection shall comply with article 5 of this chapter. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 28-1382, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1382.  Driving or actual physical control while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor; trial by jury; sentencing; classification

A.  It is unlawful for a person to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle in this state if the person has an alcohol concentration as follows within two hours of driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed either before or while driving or being in actual physical control of the vehicle:

1.  0.15 or more but less than 0.20.

2.  0.20 or more.

B.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor.

C.  At the arraignment, the court shall inform the defendant that the defendant may request a trial by jury and that the request, if made, shall be granted.

D.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section:

1.  Shall be sentenced to serve not less than thirty consecutive days in jail and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence is served if the person is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section.  A person who is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall be sentenced to serve not less than forty‑five consecutive days in jail and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence is served.

2.  Shall pay a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars, except that a person who is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars.  The fine prescribed in this paragraph and any assessments, restitution and incarceration costs shall be paid before the assessment prescribed in paragraph 3 of this subsection.

3.  Shall pay an additional assessment of two hundred fifty dollars. If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.  The state treasurer shall deposit the monies received in the driving under the influence abatement fund established by section 28‑1304.

4.  May be ordered by a court to perform community restitution.

5.  Shall be required by the department, on receipt of the report of conviction, to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this paragraph shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

6.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the prison construction and operations fund established by section 41‑1651.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer. If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

7.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the public safety equipment fund established by section 41‑1723.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer. If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

8.  Shall be required by the department to attend and successfully complete an approved traffic survival school course.

E.  If within a period of eighty-four months a person is convicted of a second violation of this section or is convicted of a violation of this section and has previously been convicted of a violation of section 28‑1381 or 28‑1383 or an act in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of this section or section 28‑1381 or 28‑1383, the person:

1.  Shall be sentenced to serve not less than one hundred twenty days in jail, sixty days of which shall be served consecutively, and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence has been served if the person is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section.  A person who is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall be sentenced to serve not less than one hundred eighty days in jail, ninety of which shall be served consecutively, and is not eligible for probation or suspension of execution of sentence unless the entire sentence has been served.

2.  Shall pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars, except that a person who is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall pay a fine of not less than one thousand dollars.  The fine prescribed in this paragraph and any assessments, restitution and incarceration costs shall be paid before the assessment prescribed in paragraph 3 of this subsection.

3.  Shall pay an additional assessment of two hundred fifty dollars.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.  The state treasurer shall deposit the monies received in the driving under the influence abatement fund established by section 28‑1304.

4.  Shall be ordered by a court to perform at least thirty hours of community restitution.

5.  Shall have the person's driving privilege revoked for at least one year.  The court shall report the conviction to the department.  On receipt of the report, the department shall revoke the person's driving privilege and shall require the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever is later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this paragraph shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

6.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the prison construction and operations fund established by section 41‑1651.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

7.  Shall pay an additional assessment of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the public safety equipment fund established by section 41‑1723.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

8.  Shall be required by the department to attend and successfully complete an approved traffic survival school course.

F.  In applying the eighty-four month provision of subsection E of this section, the dates of the commission of the offense shall be the determining factor, irrespective of the sequence in which the offenses were committed.

G.  A second violation for which a conviction occurs as provided in this section shall not include a conviction for an offense arising out of the same series of acts.

H.  After completing forty-five days of the revocation period prescribed by subsection E of this section, a person whose driving privilege is revoked for a violation of this section and who is sentenced pursuant to subsection E of this section is eligible for a special ignition interlock restricted driver license pursuant to section 28-1401.

I.  Notwithstanding subsection D, paragraph 1 of this section, at the time of sentencing if the person is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section, the judge may suspend all but nine days of the sentence if the person equips any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for a period of twelve months.  If the person is convicted of a violation of subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section, the judge may suspend all but fourteen days of the sentence if the person equips any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for a period of twelve months.  If the person fails to comply with article 5 of this chapter and has not been placed on probation, the court shall issue an order to show cause as to why the remaining jail sentence should not be served.

J.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Section 28-1383, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1383.  Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence; violation; classification; definition

A.  A person is guilty of aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs if the person does any of the following:

1.  Commits a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section while the person's driver license or privilege to drive is suspended, canceled, revoked or refused or while a restriction is placed on the person's driver license or privilege to drive as a result of violating section 28‑1381 or 28‑1382 or under section 28‑1385.

2.  Within a period of eighty-four months commits a third or subsequent violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section or is convicted of a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section and has previously been convicted of any combination of convictions of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section or acts in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section.

3.  While a person under fifteen years of age is in the vehicle, commits a violation of either:

(a)  Section 28‑1381.

(b)  Section 28‑1382.

4.  While the person is ordered by the court or required pursuant to section 28‑3319 by the department to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device, commits a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section.

B.  The dates of the commission of the offenses are the determining factor in applying the eighty-four month provision provided in subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section regardless of the sequence in which the offenses were committed.  For the purposes of this section, a third or subsequent violation for which a conviction occurs does not include a conviction for an offense arising out of the same series of acts.  The time that a probationer is found to be on absconder status or the time that a person is incarcerated in any state, federal, county or city jail or correctional facility is excluded when determining the eighty-four month period provided in subsection A, paragraph 2 and subsection E of this section.

C.  The notice to a person of the suspension, cancellation, revocation or refusal of a driver license or privilege to drive is effective as provided in section 28‑3318 or pursuant to the laws of the state issuing the license.

D.  A person is not eligible for probation, pardon, commutation or suspension of sentence or release on any other basis until the person has served not less than four months in prison if the person is convicted under either of the following:

1.  Subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section.

2.  Subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section and within an eighty‑four month period has been convicted of two prior violations of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section, or any combination of those sections, or acts in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section.

E.  A person who is convicted under subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section and who within an eighty-four month period has been convicted of three or more prior violations of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section, or any combination of those sections, or acts in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of section 28‑1381, section 28‑1382 or this section is not eligible for probation, pardon, commutation or suspension of sentence or release on any other basis until the person has served not less than eight months in prison.

F.  A person who is convicted under subsection A, paragraph 3, subdivision (a) of this section shall serve at least the minimum term of incarceration required pursuant to section 28‑1381.

G.  A person who is convicted under subsection A, paragraph 3, subdivision (b) of this section shall serve at least the minimum term of incarceration required pursuant to section 28‑1382.

H.  A person who is convicted of a violation of this section shall attend and complete alcohol or other drug screening, education or treatment from an approved facility.  If the person fails to comply with this subsection and is placed on probation, in addition to the provisions of section 13‑901 the court may order that the person be incarcerated as a term of probation as follows:

1.  For a person sentenced pursuant to subsection D of this section, for an individual period of not more than four months and a total period of not more than one year.

2.  For a person sentenced pursuant to subsection E of this section, for an individual period of not more than eight months and a total period of not more than two years.

I.  The time that a person spends in custody pursuant to subsection H of this section shall not be counted towards the sentence imposed if the person's probation is revoked and the person is sentenced to prison after revocation of probation.

J.  On a conviction for a violation of this section, the court:

1.  Shall report the conviction to the department.  On receipt of the report, the department shall revoke the driving privilege of the person.  The department shall not issue the person a new driver license within one year of the date of the conviction and, if the violation involved intoxicating liquor, shall require the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twenty‑four months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this paragraph shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

2.  In addition to any other penalty prescribed by law, shall order the person to pay an additional assessment of two hundred fifty dollars.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the monies received pursuant to this paragraph to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.  The state treasurer shall deposit the monies received in the driving under the influence abatement fund established by section 28‑1304.  Any fine imposed for a violation of this section and any assessments, restitution and incarceration costs shall be paid before the assessment prescribed in this paragraph.

3.  Shall order the person to pay a fine of not less than seven hundred fifty dollars.

4.  In addition to any other penalty prescribed by law, shall order the person to pay an additional assessment of one thousand five hundred dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the prison construction and operations fund established by section 41‑1651.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer.  If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.

5.  In addition to any other penalty prescribed by law, shall order the person to pay an additional assessment of one thousand five hundred dollars to be deposited by the state treasurer in the public safety equipment fund established by section 41‑1723.  This assessment is not subject to any surcharge.  If the conviction occurred in the superior court or a justice court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the county treasurer. If the conviction occurred in a municipal court, the court shall transmit the assessed monies to the city treasurer.  The city or county treasurer shall transmit the monies received to the state treasurer.


K.  L.  After completing the period of suspension required by section 28‑1385, a person whose driving privilege is revoked for a violation of subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section may apply to the department for a special ignition interlock restricted driver license pursuant to section 28‑1401.

L.  M.  The court may order a person who is convicted of a violation of this section that does not involve intoxicating liquor to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  On receipt of the report of the conviction and certified ignition interlock device requirement, the department shall require the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319.  In addition, the court may order the person to equip any motor vehicle the person operates with a certified ignition interlock device for more than twelve months beginning on the date of reinstatement of the person's driving privilege following a suspension or revocation or on the date of the department's receipt of the report of conviction, whichever occurs later.  The person who operates a motor vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device under this subsection shall comply with article 5 of this chapter.

M.  N.  Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs committed under:

1.  Subsection A, paragraph 1, 2 or 4 of this section is a class 4 felony.

2.  Subsection A, paragraph 3 of this section is a class 6 felony.

N.  O.  For the purposes of this section, "suspension, cancellation, revocation or refusal" means any suspension, cancellation, revocation or refusal.

Sec. 4.  Section 28-1401, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1401.  Special ignition interlock restricted driver licenses; application fee

A.  A person whose class D or class G license has been suspended pursuant to section 28‑1385 or suspended or revoked for a first refusal pursuant to section 28‑1321, a second violation of section 28‑1381 or 28‑1382 or a first violation of section 28‑1383, subsection A, paragraph 3 may apply to the department for a special ignition interlock restricted driver license that allows a person to operate a motor vehicle during the period of suspension or revocation subject to the restrictions prescribed in section 28‑1402 and the certified ignition interlock device requirements prescribed in article 5 of this chapter if the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been suspended or revoked due to an alcohol related offense pursuant to any of the following:

1.  Section 28‑1321, if the person meets the criteria of section 28‑1321, subsection P.

2.  Section 28‑1381, if the person meets the criteria of section 28‑1381, subsection O and the person presents evidence that is satisfactory to the director and that shows that the person has completed the requirements prescribed in section 28‑1387, subsection B.

3.  Section 28‑1382, if the person meets the criteria of section 28‑1382, subsection H and the person presents evidence that is satisfactory to the director and that shows that the person has completed the requirements prescribed in section 28‑1387, subsection B.

4.  Section 28‑1383, if the person meets the criteria of section 28‑1383, subsection K l and the person presents evidence that is satisfactory to the director and that shows that the person has completed the requirements prescribed in section 28‑1387, subsection B.

5.  Section 28‑1385, if the person meets the criteria of section 28‑1385, subsection G.

B.  An applicant for a special ignition interlock restricted driver license shall pay an application fee in an amount to be determined by the director.

C.  The department shall issue a special ignition interlock restricted driver license during the period of a court ordered restriction pursuant to sections 28‑3320 and 28‑3322 subject to the restrictions prescribed in section 28‑1402 and the certified ignition interlock requirements prescribed in article 5 of this chapter.

D.  If the department issues a special ignition interlock restricted driver license, the department shall not delete a suspension or revocation from its records.

E.  The granting of a special ignition interlock restricted driver license does not reduce or eliminate the required use of an ignition interlock device pursuant to section 28‑3319."


Renumber to conform

Page 2, after line 45, insert:

"Sec. 6.  Section 28-3416, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-3416.  Civil penalty; cancellation, suspension or revocation of license; appeal

A.  After conducting a hearing, the director may cancel, suspend or revoke the license of a school If the director finds that the licensee has not complied with or has knowingly violated this article or any rule adopted pursuant to this article or has been convicted of a violation of title 13 or this title, the director may do either of the following:

1.  Impose a civil penalty on the licensee of at least three hundred dollars but not more than three thousand dollars for each violation.

2.  After conducting a hearing, Cancel, suspend or revoke the license of the school.

B.  Decisions of the director are subject to judicial review pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6.

C.  The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35‑146 and 35‑147, all civil penalties collected pursuant to this section in the state highway fund established by section 28-6991."

Renumber to conform

Page 4, after line 45, insert:

"Sec. 9.  Section 28-6991, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-6991.  State highway fund; sources

A state highway fund is established that consists of:

1.  Monies distributed from the Arizona highway user revenue fund pursuant to chapter 18 of this title.

2.  Monies appropriated by the legislature.

3.  Monies received from donations for the construction, improvement or maintenance of state highways or bridges.  These monies shall be credited to a special account and shall be spent only for the purpose indicated by the donor.

4.  Monies received from counties under cooperative agreements, including proceeds from bond issues.  The state treasurer shall deposit these monies to the credit of the fund in a special account on delivery to the treasurer of a concise written agreement between the department and the county stating the purposes for which the monies are surrendered by the county, and these monies shall be spent only as stated in the agreement.

5.  Monies received from the United States under an act of Congress to provide aid for the construction of rural post roads, but monies received on projects for which the monies necessary to be provided by this state are wholly derived from sources mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section shall be allotted by the department and deposited by the state treasurer in the special account within the fund established for each project.  On completion of the project, on the satisfaction and discharge in full of all obligations of any kind created and on request of the department, the treasurer shall transfer the unexpended balance in the special account for the project into the state highway fund, and the unexpended balance and any further federal aid thereafter received on account of the project may be spent under the general provisions of this title.

6.  Monies in the custody of an officer or agent of this state from any source that is to be used for the construction, improvement or maintenance of state highways or bridges.

7.  Monies deposited in the state general fund and arising from the disposal of state personal property belonging to the department.

8.  Receipts from the sale or disposal of any or all other property held by the department and purchased with state highway monies.

9.  Monies generated pursuant to section 28‑410.

10.  Monies distributed pursuant to section 28‑5808, subsection B, paragraph 2, subdivision (d).

11.  Monies deposited pursuant to sections 28‑1143, 28‑2353 and 28‑3003.

12.  Except as provided in section 28‑5101, the following monies:

(a)  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑2206 and section 28‑5808, subsection B, paragraph 2, subdivision (e).

(b)  One dollar of each registration fee and one dollar of each title fee collected pursuant to section 28‑2003.

(c)  Two dollars of each late registration penalty collected by the director pursuant to section 28‑2162.

(d)  The air quality compliance fee collected pursuant to section 49‑542.

(e)  The special plate administration fees collected pursuant to sections 28‑2404, 28‑2407, 28‑2412 through 28‑2416, 28‑2416.01, 28‑2417 through 28‑2462 and 28‑2514.

(f)  Monies collected pursuant to sections 28‑372, 28‑2155 and 28‑2156 if the director is the registering officer.

13.  Monies deposited pursuant to chapter 5, article 5 of this title.

14.  Donations received pursuant to section 28‑2269.

15.  Dealer and registration monies collected pursuant to section 28‑4304.

16.  Abandoned vehicle administration monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑4804.

17.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑710, subsection D, paragraph 2.

18.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑2065.

19.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑7311.

20.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑7059.

21.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑1105.

22.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑2448, subsection D.

23.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑3415.

24.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑3002, subsection A, paragraph 14.

25.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑7316.

26.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑4302.

27.  Monies deposited pursuant to section 28‑3416."

Amend title to conform







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