Fifty-second Legislature                              Children and Family Affairs

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2442




(Reference to printed bill)



Page 1, between lines 5 and 6, insert:

"A.  If a dependent child who is in the legal custody of the department of child safety is placed in foster care, the foster parent shall receive from the department contact information for the child's caseworker, the child's regional behavioral health authority designated point of contact, the telephone number to the Arizona health care cost containment system's customer service line, a list of Arizona health care cost containment system registered providers and information regarding the foster parent's rights under this section.


Line 15, after the period insert:


Line 16, strike "appointment" insert "service"; after "provided" insert "within twenty‑one days"; strike "may"

Strike lines 17 through 19, insert ":

1.  Shall call the regional behavioral health authority designated point of contact and the Arizona health care cost containment system's customer service line to document the failure to receive the service.

2.  May access services directly from any Arizona health care cost containment system registered provider regardless of whether the provider is contracted with the regional behavioral health authority.  If the provider is not contracted with the regional behavioral health authority, the provider must submit the provider's claim to the regional behavioral health authority and accept the Arizona health care cost containment system fee schedule rates.

D.  If the foster parent or adoptive parent recognizes that the dependent child is in need of crisis services and the crisis response network in that county is not being responsive to the situation, the foster parent or adoptive parent may contact the child's regional behavioral health authority designated point of contact to coordinate crisis services for the child.

E.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall track and report annually the number of times the regional behavioral health authority coordinated crisis services because the crisis response network was unresponsive, the NUMBER OF times services were not provided within the twenty‑one‑day time frame, the amount of services accessed directly by foster or adoptive parents that were provided by noncontracted providers and the amount the administration spent on services pursuant to this section.  On or before July 1, 2017, the administration shall complete a network adequacy study for behavioral health service providers that provide behavioral health services to children enrolled in the comprehensive medical and dental care program.

F.  the Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall adopt corrective action plans, sanctions or other measures to address noncompliance by the regional behavioral health authority, including compliance with the timely payment requirements pursuant to section 36‑2904."

Amend title to conform






1:59 PM

C: mjh