(By Senator Maynard)

[Introduced February 16, 2024]

Affirming support for the preservation of West Virginia's historic buildings, coal camp buildings, and coal heritage sites in Thurmond, West Virginia and across the state.

Whereas, The town of Thurmond has a rich history of coal mining and embodies the essence of Appalachian culture; and

Whereas, The Thurmond Historic District comprises the entire town and a small portion of the opposite riverbank; and

Whereas, Thurmond was accessible solely by rail until 1921, and the town occupies a narrow stretch of flat land along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad track, with no road between the tracks and the town; and

Whereas, The town was the filming location for John Sayles' 1987 movie Matewan since it still possesses many of the characteristics of a 1920s Appalachian coal town; and

Whereas, The railroad depot is now a visitor center for New River Gorge National Park and Preserve; and

Whereas, The National Park Service has proposed the demolition of structures within the historic town; and

Whereas, A total of 21 of the 35 buildings in the town set to be torn down are considered historic and are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, with some already being listed as such; and

Whereas, It is in the interest of the entire state to preserve these historic buildings, because they represent our state's coal mining heritage and the struggle of workers; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby affirms its support for the preservation of West Virginia's historic buildings, coal camp buildings, and coal heritage sites in Thurmond, West Virginia and across the state; and be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the town of Thurmond and to the National Park Service.