As Introduced

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. R. No. 380

Representatives Dovilla, Redfern 

Cosponsors: Representatives Foley, Strahorn, Anielski, Kunze, Damschroder, Buchy, Mallory, Blessing, Baker, Boose, Brenner, Stebelton, Ashford, Patterson, Ramos, Fedor 

To designate the second Saturday of May as Bird Ohio 1
Day in order to recognize the importance of bird 2
and bird habitat stewardship and conservation.3


       WHEREAS, Ohio has played a major role in the development of 4
bird studies and research since the 1890s. It provides stopover 5
habitat for millions of birds as they pass through the state 6
during their migration northward each spring and also is home to 7
numerous species that reside in the state year-round. For example, 8
the bald eagle, a recognized symbol of our nation, has a 9
significant population in Ohio with a major percentage located in 10
Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, and Erie Counties, comprising the most 11
concentrated breeding population in the continental United States. 12
Ottawa County and the Oak Harbor area have adopted the name 13
"Warbler Capital of the World" to recognize the importance of the 14
spring migration and to attract visitors to the area; and15

       WHEREAS, Numerous agencies and organizations that recognize 16
the importance of bird and bird habitat education, research, and 17
conservation are located in Ohio, including, but not limited to, 18
Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Destination Toledo, Lake Erie Shores 19
and Islands, Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center, Metroparks of 20
the Toledo Area, Erie Metroparks, Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland 21
Museum of Natural History, Columbus Audubon Society, Ohio 22
Ornithological Society, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio 23
zoos, and Ohio park districts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 24
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio park districts, and 25
other public agencies and private organizations have protected 26
thousands of acres of high-quality bird habitat across the state; 27

       WHEREAS, Bird watching has become one of the most popular and 29
economically significant forms of outdoor recreation in Ohio and 30
throughout the United States. Birding tourism contributes 31
significantly to economic development in northwest Ohio. Thousands 32
of birdwatchers from across the country and around the world visit 33
northwest Ohio and the southwest shore of Lake Erie each spring to 34
witness the spectacle of bird migration and to participate in the 35
Biggest Week in American Birding Festival organized by the Black 36
Swamp Bird Observatory of Oak Harbor, Ohio. Studies conducted by 37
the Observatory and Bowling Green State University show that 38
visiting birdwatchers spend more than $30 million in northern Ohio 39
each spring; and40

       WHEREAS, Nature conservation, including protection of bird 41
habitats, has many aesthetic and economic values, including 42
increasing the value of real estate located near conserved lands 43
such as nature preserves and properties protected by conservation 44
easements; and45

       WHEREAS, Public awareness and concern are crucial components 46
of conserving natural areas as well as the birds and other 47
wildlife that live in those areas. Citizens who are enthusiastic 48
about birds and nature, informed about threats to the natural 49
world, and empowered to become involved in addressing those 50
threats can make a tremendous contribution to maintaining healthy 51
bird populations and protecting bird habitats; and52

       WHEREAS, Interest in bird and bird habitat stewardship and 53
conservation can grow by providing more bird watching and nature 54
education activities involving people of all ages. Many 55
educational materials are available to schools, educational 56
organizations, parents, and other citizens to foster public 57
awareness about the importance of bird and bird habitat 58
conservation; now therefore be it59

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 60
Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of the State of 61
Ohio, in adopting this resolution, designate the second Saturday 62
of May as Bird Ohio Day in order to recognize the importance of 63
bird and bird habitat stewardship and conservation; and be it 64

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 66
Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of the State of 67
Ohio, encourage school districts, schools, teachers, and nature 68
educators in Ohio to offer lessons and activities to teach 69
students and other citizens about birds, bird habitat, and bird 70
conservation and also encourage citizens of and visitors to Ohio 71
to spend time outdoors enjoying the sights and sounds of birds and 72
engage in stewardship of the wildlife habitat on which migratory 73
and resident birds depend for their survival; and be it further74

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 75
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the news 76
media of Ohio.77