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District 30 (Monmouth and Ocean)






     Recognizes Israel's right to use decisive force in defense of attacks and reaffirms State's strong support for Israel.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.


A Senate Resolution recognizing Israel's right to use decisive force in defending itself against attacks and reaffirming New Jersey's strong support for Israel.


Whereas, Throughout the month of May, the State of Israel and its citizens were under intense and consistent rocket and mortar attacks from terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad; and

Whereas, To counter the terrorists, Israel commenced a defensive operation with the goal of disabling the infrastructure and armaments of the terrorist organizations; and

Whereas, The Biden Administration has stated "Israel has the right to defend itself and to respond to rocket attacks"; and

Whereas, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad were founded with the stated goal of destroying the State of Israel; and

Whereas, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been designated by the United States as Foreign Terrorist Organizations; and

Whereas, These terrorist organizations have refused to recognize Israel's right to exist, agree to accept previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, or renounce violence; and

Whereas, Thousands of rockets and mortars have been indiscriminately launched against Israel, including in major population centers, in an attempt to kill innocent civilians, putting hundreds of thousands of Israelis in danger; and

Whereas, To generate an anti-Israeli narrative around Israeli counter attacks, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad intentionally locate elements of their terrorist infrastructure in civilian population centers, including hospitals, schools, and houses of worship, thus using innocent civilians as human shields and tools for propaganda; and

Whereas, Israel has undertaken every reasonable precautionary measure to minimalize casualties and needless suffering among innocent civilians; and

Whereas, The spread of terrorism in the region threatens the life of every person living in the Middle East and materially impacts the safety of the United States' own citizens; and

Whereas, It is therefore fitting and proper to express our commitment to supporting the State of Israel, call on Hamas and other terrorist organizations to cease all violence against Israel, and express condolences for the innocent lives lost due to this latest conflict; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House expresses strong support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel, and recognizes its right to act decisively in self-defense and its obligation to protect its citizens and end aggressions by terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.


     2.    This House reiterates that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad must end the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel, and verifiably dismantle their terrorist infrastructure.


     3.    This House expresses condolences to innocent Israeli and Palestinian-Arab victims and their families.


     4.    This House calls on other American states to condemn the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations and recognize Israel's right to act decisively in self-defense to protect its citizens.


     5.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Israel's ambassador to the United States and to each member of the United States Congress elected from the State of New Jersey.





     This resolution recognizes Israel's right to use decisive force in defense from attacks from terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad and reaffirms New Jersey's strong support for Israel.

     Throughout the month of May, the State of Israel and its citizens were under intense and consistent rocket and mortar attacks from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.  The attacks endangered the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Israelis.

     To defend itself, Israel commenced a defensive operation with the goal of disabling the infrastructure and armaments of the terrorist organizations.  There can be no question that Israel has the right to defend itself from all terrorist threats and that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad represent a continual threat to the people of Israel.

     Hamas and other terrorist organizations continue to neglect the task of building a lasting, peaceful, and democratic Palestinian-Arab nation, instead taking action to inflict pain and suffering on others.  For example, to prevent counter attacks and to generate an anti-Israel narrative around Israeli counter attacks, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad intentionally locate elements of their terrorist infrastructure in civilian population centers, including hospitals, schools, and houses of worship, thus using innocent civilians as human shields and tools for propaganda.  The spread of terrorism in the region threatens the life of every person living in the Middle East.

     This resolution:

     (1)   expresses strong and unwavering commitment to supporting the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel, and recognizes its right to act decisively in self-defense;

     (2)   reiterates that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations must end the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel, and verifiably dismantle their terrorist infrastructure;

     (3)   expresses condolences to innocent Israeli and Palestinian-Arab victims and their families; and

     (4)   calls on other American states to condemn Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations and recognize Israel's right to act decisively in self-defense to protect its citizens.