09 LC 94 0623
Senate Resolution 308
By: Senators Mullis of the 53rd, Thomas of the 54th and Shafer of the 48th


Recognizing and commending Dr. Charles B. Gillespie, M.D.; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Dr. Charles B. Gillespie, M.D. is considered by many as the grandfather of emergency medical services in the State of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Gillespie has been involved with the development, organization, oversight, and conduct of emergency medical services since shortly after beginning his orthopedic practice in Albany in 1966 and well past his retirement in 1997; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Gillespie was appointed by Governor Jimmy Carter to chair the first Georgia Emergency Health Section Advisory Council (EHSAC), now known as the Georgia Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (EMSAC), to advise the Department of Human Resources on the operation of emergency medical services, and he worked closely with the Governor to create a regulatory office for emergency medical services; and

WHEREAS, State Public Health Director Dr. Patrick J. Meehan appointed Dr. Gillespie to serve on the first organized Georgia Emergency Medical Services Medical Directors Advisory Council as a subject matter expert on the history and evolution of emergency medical services; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Gillespie is the author of the EMT oath, used worldwide by emergency medical service organizations, and is the creator of the Georgia cardiac technician course curriculum; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Association of Emergency Medical Services, Inc., in conjunction with the Southwest Georgia Region 8 EMS Council, honored Dr. Gillespie by naming one of the most prestigious state-wide EMS awards the "Dr. Charles B. Gillespie, M.D., Distinguished Georgia EMS Medical Director Award"; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Gillespie has faithfully given of his time and himself in assisting with the development, progress, and continuation of this essential public service for over four decades.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Dr. Charles B. Gillespie on his dedicated service to emergency medical services and recognize him as the grandfather of Georgia's emergency medical services.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to Dr. Charles B. Gillespie; Director of the DHR Office of Preparedness, Dr. J. Patrick O'Neal; Chairman of the Georgia Association of Emergency Medical Services and the Georgia Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council, Courtney Terwilliger; and Chair of the Georgia Emergency Medical Services Medical Directors Advisory Council, Dr. Jill Mabley.